The Broken Record Player Podcast
The Broken Record Player Podcast takes a look at the albums that we love listening to repeatedly and never get tired of. We go deep into the backgrounds, the tracks, and the impressions they leave on us.
The Broken Record Player Podcast
100 Favorite Albums of the 80s-Part 1
Ryan Schaff
Episode 72
We're back! This was a fun list to do, but a difficult one. So many great albums were left off my list, but I think this accurately captures my musical tastes. Goth, metal, and punk are all represented here in a wide variety, but every once in a while a curveball comes flying out of nowhere. I’ve always been proud of the fact that I can listen to a wide variety of music. You’ll find Bathory on here, but you’ll also find Janet Jackson and U2. You’re going to find goth heavyweights like The Cure and Siouxsie alongside commercialized glam metal like Motley Crue. It’s all here, and this is part one! Let me know what you think in the comments.